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[历年真题] 2007年全国高等教育自学考试10月高级英语答案

发表于 2007-11-7 09:13:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


She appealed 'to me because she was likepeople I had never met personally. Like women in English novels whowalked the moors (whatever they were) with their loyal dogs racing at a respectfuldistance. Like the women who sat in front of roaring fireplaces,drinking tea incessantly from silver trays full of scones and crumpets.Women who talked over the "heath” and read morocco-bound books and had twolast names divided by a hyphen. It would be safe to say that she made meproud to be Negro, just by being herself

2 Homes and restaurants dowhat they can with this stuff ----which my mother---in ---law woulddiscard on the spot . I have long thought that the famed blindfoldtest for cigarettes should be applied to city vegetables . For I am surethat if you pureed them blindfolded , you couldn’t tee the beans fromthe peas , the turnips from the squash

3 Chavel wasfilled with a huge and shameful joy. It seemed to him that already hewas saved—twenty-nine men to draw and onlytwo marked papers left. The chances had suddenly grown in his favor from ten toone to—fourteen to one: the greengrocer had drawn a slip and indicatedcarelessly and without pleasure that he was safe. Indeed from the first drawany mark of pleasure was taboo: one couldn't mock the condemned man byany sign of relief.
Red Indians, while they were still unaffectedby white men, would smoke their pipes, not calmly as we do, but orgiastically,inhaling so deeply that they sankinto a faint. And when excitement by means of nicotine failed, a patriotic orator would stirthem up to attack aneighbouring tribe, which would give them all the enjoyment that we(according to our temperament), derive from a horse race or a General Election


1 scorn
batten on
3 flicking
5 cult

6 nacrotic
7 assembled
8 flicking

10 doddged

1.She hashad a (grudge, malice) against me ever since I turned down herunreasonable request.
2.Spoiled children will not manage to live against (difficulty, adversity).
3 .Thephotos sent back from the satellite support the (theory, hypothesis)that possibly there is life on Mars.
4. It isnot (customary, habitual) in South China to eat dumplings on Lunar NewYear’s Eve.
5.Thesecertificates and awards are enough to (prove, qualify) him as anexcellent engineer.
6.Thebank loaned the store money to get it back (to its feet, on its feet)after the fire.
7 (Accusation,condemnation) of the bombing the embassy went swiftly across the country.
8 The restaurantis small but cozy with an (amenity, ambience) of ease, friendliness, andelegance.
9.It wasa (proud, snobbrist) person,so she do not want to live en charrity
10Summonedby the boss, he approached his office full of (apprehension, distrust).
11Thenewly-recruited soldiers swore an (oath, promise) of loyalty to theircountry
12Herfeelings (fluctuated, changed) between excitement and fear.
13.Hesaid he would go to the dress rehearsal, (unless, provided) he was nottoo busy.
14.Hewanted a (transcript, manuscript)
of the report to show to his friends.

15.Theheroic deeds of the firefighters should be (glamorized, praised).

1 Thetrouble with this solution is that it no longer is practical on a large scale
2 Or are you drawn somehow to this strange clown, perhaps because he actsout your wildest fantasies?
3 He sat down and felt for a cigarette, but when he gotit between his lips he forgot to light it.
4 However much you may acquire youwill always wish to acquire more; satietyis a dream which will always elude you.
5 Ourplanet, unfortunately, is running out of noble savages and unsulliedlandscaped; except for the polar regions, the frontiers are gone. A fewgentleman farmers with plenty of money can still escape to the bucolic life –but in general the stream of migration is flowing the other way.
Why Go to Canada?
Huge, scenic and sparselypopulated, Canada was rated by the United Nations Human Development Index asthe best country to live in. The land of new hopes and opportunities attractspeople worldwide - visitors, migrants and overseas students - and offers itspermanent residents the sweetest benefit package who in turn contributesignificantly to its economic growth, and bring customs and traditions, ritualsand culture to the forefront of current government.


Very few people really understand or knowanything about the process of immigration application. First of all a potentialimmigrant needs to know something about the rules and regulations. The CanadianGovernment has designed a point system to assesspotential independent immigrants. Emphasis is placed on education, practicaltraining, experience and the likelihood of successful settlement in Canada.This means that people with a bachelor degree of some kind and advancedtechnical or other skills that are in demand in Canada, are more likely to beaccepted. The Government also adds weight to an application if the individualis fluent in Canada's official languages, English and French. Therefore someonewith a good command of either English or French will have a better chance.Another way to immigrate to Canada is via the immigrant investor program. Thisprovides an opportunity for experienced business persons to immigrate to Canadaafter making a substantialinvestment in a provincial government-administered venture capital fund.


If you think you fulfill all the criteriayou can easily apply for immigration by yourself. The Canadian Governmentclearly states: 'Any one can apply without the help of a third party'. As oftenhappens in these situations, unscrupulous agents can take advantage of people who think that the only way theycan immigrate is by paying huge amounts of money. People who want to becomeimmigrants should carefully investigate the reputation and qualifications ofthird parties who offer their services for a fee. So why bother to use animmigration agent if application is easy?

Actuallythere are many good reasons why so many intending migrants use such services.What the least competent and reliable professionals do is simply fill out theforms and send them to the Canadian Embassy with the required fees anddocuments! Some individuals (who can be referred to as 'unscrupulous agents')may fail to send in the correct documents, delay the clients' applicationdelivery, talk an unqualified candidate into buying their services despite thehigh possibility that the visa application will be refused or even suggesttheir clients supply fraudulentdocuments that are often discovered by the Canadian Embassy. Conversely, ahighly qualified and reliable professional service justifies its costs for thecomprehensive services it provides. A professional and reliable immigrationfirm should provide these five services for its clients:
1. Anintending immigrant must first be well aware of his chances of success. Asubstantial amount of necessary payment and the potential impact on anapplicant's life (i.e. thinking they will be accepted) can be avoided. A highlyexperienced immigration professional is capable of assessing a client’s chancesof success with an extremely high degree of certainty. In the case of a mostunfavorable application, he discourages the client's application.
2. Dependingon an effective interpretation of the selection rules as well as accumulatedexperiences, an experienced immigration professional highlights the applicant'squalities and helps persuade visa officials that the applicant is worthy ofselection and meets all the selection criteria. If a person doesn't seemqualified, the adviser tries to find out other alternatives that may exist to makehim a successful applicant. Such instances where qualified persons werediscouraged from making applications are numerous. For example, a computerprogrammer whose professional skills are highly sought after in the Canadianlabor market may be considered unqualified by the variance of their jobdescription to the specifications in the National Occupational Descriptionspublished by the Canadian Government. An experienced immigration professionalavoids areas of potential misunderstanding and best ensures that all thedocuments submitted and answers given at an interview will support a successfulapplication.
3. Thepresentation or package of the application often makes a decisive impression onthe visa officer. An experienced immigration professional identifies what typeof information can be supplied that is most likely to favorably impress thevisa officer considering the application.
4. In thecase of a person who simply does not qualify, an immigration professionalindicates the reasons that may lead to their visa application refusal and triesto find out ways to improve their circumstances so they become qualified.
5. A seasoned immigration professionalhelps identify potential problems and provides advice in advance. Animmigration professional is expected to be familiar with immigration law, s/headvises the applicant whether or not to submit certain complimentary documents,what evidence needs to be acquired to help support the candidate, and whatshould be avoided that may cause a negative impact on the application.
Additionally,in the case of a refused application, a reliable immigration consulting firmshould effectively defend its applicants from uneven interpretation,misapplication or even breaches of regulations. So, if you are interested inimmigrating, you could try to apply on your own, or if you want to saveyourself all the stress and confusion of applying, you could go for one of thereliable, professional immigration firms.

1 Bachlor 是指
选择A 第一文凭是bachlor,第二个硕Master ‘第三
博士 doctor 或者Ph.D
2 选择
venture capital fund.就是合,自考英译教程的经济一章
3 -8 均为直接找答案题
9选择不符合加拿大情的:因Huge, scenic and sparsely populated选择A populous
10 问第2段落的主题,是介绍了2中移民方式
选择C two way of immigration

二:词汇 10
1 assessevaluate
2 substantialconsiderable
3 take advantage ofprofit from
4 fraudulentdeceived
5 seasonedexperienced

1 Emphasis is placed on education, practical training, experience and thelikelihood of successful settlement in Canada.
2 So why bother to use an immigration agent ifapplication is easy?
3 Such instances where qualified persons were discouraged from makingapplications are numerous
4 The presentation or package of the application often makes a decisiveimpression on the visa officer.
5 What the least competent and reliable professionals do is simply fill outthe forms and send them to the Canadian Embassy with the required fees anddocuments!

Many people from variouscountries are now thinking of emigrating to Canada. They canapply to the immigration authorities of the Canadian Government which hasadopted a point system to evaluate immigration applicants. The criteria forevaluation include education, training, skill and language, which means thatpeople with a higher education background and having a skill that is needed inCanada plus good English or French have good chances to emigrate.
There are two ways to apply forimmigration. The first is to apply without the help of athird party, which means the applicants contact the Canadian Embassy directly.Alternatively, applicants can hire professionals to apply on their behalf. Thisusually means to pay a huge amount of money to immigration firms which in turncontact the Canadian Government and work through the application process.Though the former way costs much less, applicants may have difficulties or confusionbecause the whole process can be complicated. professional immigration firms,on the other hand, have the experience in dealing with legal matters that arepart of the application process. Themost important thing is to find the right firm, since there areunscrupulous firms that are not competent to represent applicants and will leadto applicants’ loss of money and opportunity.
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