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[随堂笔记] 物流英语 1概论

发表于 2012-11-16 09:45:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Text  What is Logistics? 5 l3 y$ q& E) R
课文: 什么是物流?
  a! B0 R+ Y- P0 `: l! }0 P+ @% u
+ o7 p. e- o5 [. m. L7 v+ e
Logistics is a unique global “pipeline”that operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 52 weeks a year, planning and coordinating the transport and delivery of products and service to customers the world over.
% l- I/ n' n; E. |6 A* y
9 Q( D, g& \# ?5 ?" p+ ~物流作为一种独特的全球“输送管道”,一天24小时、一周7天、一年52周、不间断地运营着,计划和协调全球产品和服务的运输和交通。+ F: u+ o: S/ a; _. t8 o
6 @8 }* U0 m0 F& I; L$ A

' }; H# n4 _& m3 L& @6 qComing into being with the advent of civilization, logistics is anything but a newborn baby. However, when it comes to modern logistics, most professionals in most challenging and exciting jobs,   invisible as it is.4 H/ p& x4 k! O' b$ X7 D
; ]' x0 x! E0 k7 X8 T1 x
* X# u% _$ J" ?
4 P% H' z9 H  G& h" Q# [5 @) X
: g0 _4 ?6 F3 o$ gModern logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of materials and information that are of vital importance to customers and clients in various sectors of the economic society, which may include but by no means is limited to:packaging、warehousing、material handling、inventory、Transport、forecasting、strategic planning and customer service;5 N. B0 x$ h: e* s: W- D& C
; ^. ]8 o6 ^4 t! a  D  k! Q
现代物流与物资及信息的及时有效流动相关,而物资和信息的及时有效流动对经济和社会的不同领域的顾客和客户有着极其重要的意义。现代物流包括但不限于下列方面:包装、仓储、材料搬运、存货、运输、预测、战略规划、客户服务;/ a2 a7 ~' E1 N, ]" K: P

) r* {! q4 f2 X9 I0 w4 \1 \( B6 y; }0 ?9 j# h) A8 [. F  q
Packaging is the outer wrapping of a product. It is the intended purpose of the packaging to make a product readily sellable as well as to protect it against damage and prevent it from deterioration when in stock. Furthermore, packaging is often the most relevant element of a trade mark and conduces to advertising or communication.
0 J3 p( X! ]( p+ @0 n- k
, f) w3 W# m+ f  F* V: E- x" R4 _包装是指产品的外部包装。包装是为了使产品方便销售,同时储存时也免受损坏或变质。再者,包装通常是和商标最直接相关的因素,利于广告或者信息传递。# V0 ?5 s$ J0 _5 F3 G7 r& j. y
% B& Y/ ~5 c0 P) H: x
  F" H. _3 W/ C" t' i3 d4 c
Warehousing is sometimes needed, and can be provided, to complement inbound and outbound transportation services. There are 4 distinct types of warehousing available, depending upon load content: for finished goods ; for raw materials ; for consumer fulfillment ; and for vendor-managed inventory(VMI).
& w6 {# T- T3 W8 a
- s- s) R& |# ~! G3 e6 c, \. h仓储可以作为上游物流和下游物流运输服务的补充。根据货物的种类,仓库有四种类型:成品仓库、原材料仓库、待售产品仓库和销售商管理仓库(VMI)。
% U4 P( A% Q% w
- a: }- d! @; U2 a- D1 g3 D2 n9 b2 d7 s2 p2 z1 l3 U2 t6 R
Material handling is any kind of methods for moving material. Material can be moved directly by people lifting the items or using hand carts, slings, and other handling accessories (manual lifting sand handling). Material can also be moved by people using machines such as cranes, forklift trucks, and other lifting fixtures (mechanical lifting).
  [2 L" @  d, f5 n& M2 ?% ?7 ~0 T2 |+ e# ^" |
物资操作是指转移物资的方式。可以用手推车、吊索或其他的附件(手提或手操作)由人直接把东西抬起来,也可以用起重机、铲车和其他的起重装置来移动物资(机械提升)。6 ~! g% z/ R) B
' N# L0 O" ~0 s5 |! l+ l
" Q) r4 K* G& a6 H+ S
Inventory is a detailed list of all the items in stock, such as a company’s merchandise, raw materials, and finished and unfinished products which have not yet been sold.
" e/ a/ p2 q; q8 T& ^
2 O& I& m4 H4 J  m$ L  m存货是库存里所有产品的详细清单,例如公司的商品、原材料以及还没有售出的成品和半成品。
) i+ b  ]  P- R) g; q7 `) S
6 M0 g, e4 ~' a7 Y3 D8 ]3 m* z# N9 @% ]+ b+ C9 |
Transport is the movement of people, goods, signals and information from one place to another..
3 j& p: n8 m# ~" H. _1 \* J- n+ ^
) N2 Q" D9 B' {' m. z( G( X. g$ F' j- b# T0 W: o8 g4 r

8 r5 m2 O) C( [5 z1 A2 W/ HForecasting is to estimate the likelihood of an event taking place in the future, based on available data from the past.) Y' [, K; o6 t3 d: X8 C
5 a: ~* [5 E  J9 n$ x# }
预测是基本于过去获得的数据来推测今后可能发生的事件。* l9 Y6 q  @( |9 f+ y! w+ D* s

" f7 \4 q& n6 w8 K( l  c# J( b! Q, ^/ y: c! ?& `
Strategic planning is planning is planning which focuses on longer range objectives and goals. It is essentially direction-setting and often focuses on new products and new markets.' r6 C, T8 S) }4 Q/ R
6 _4 ]* H. C( c/ n/ Y1 W
战略规划是着眼于更长的目标而制定的计划,基本上是制定政策,通常是在新产品和新市场两个方面。: Q, D0 l- j% v' D$ V# R/ u5 T( O

3 ^$ a7 R" @) d; P) g; p0 i
! c# O' d9 {5 n. Q- s- l7 A9 PCustomer service is the set of behaviors that a business undertakes during its interaction with its customers. It can also refer to a specific person or desk which is set up to provide general assistance to customers.5 J9 X2 Y9 t  i% F& [( U1 S
$ L: A- G9 ]# @  [8 z, c+ R& B
客户服务是商家与客户交往时承担的一整套行为,也可以用来指为客户提供帮助的特定人或办公桌。# X6 C% ^+ Q9 A& Y) u& a! L: ]0 h
/ [  }  g3 [( W/ S3 e

6 o/ {% M6 D3 K以下是物流管理协会对物流下的一个系统的定义:“物流是供应链的一部分,计划、执行和控制产品、服务及相关信息从原产地到消费地的及时有效流动和存储以满足客户要求。”虽然此定义不能覆盖物流研究的所有方面,但是它的确反映了从原料获得到成品配送的完整流动过程的需要。
) t5 \4 r) ^0 s) d3 V) l
8 f4 E  U3 x1 X- K, v: t$ F# sA systematic definition of logistics is supplied by the Council of Logistics Management:“Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers’ requirements.” Although this definition fails to incorporate all specific terms used in the study of logistics, it does reflect the need for total movement management from point of material procurement to location of finished product distribution.% T+ B7 z' k* ^+ u# e% ~% r
- z5 @1 D& J5 i6 v. F

/ f1 O6 H& ~+ \$ Q0 d; J6 i: Z# x0 E7 |

" }) J8 z. u7 Z. h1 V8 t1 B7 m
8 C3 a1 C* |! Z" `; h
" {5 K2 f) ]1 `
Dialogue: Very High Percentage( B( `1 X) s/ \; G
  G5 E/ k/ K/ ?0 F- B( \# j4 ?0 A9 J4 K, z# i! s) y; u$ P/ f  b
Michael was talking with Mr. Anon Low, a logistical manager in a supermarket. The conversation took place on Dec.31,2004.4 w4 ^- P1 E( p4 o9 E
# f, B5 T  C! {9 P% v- H6 s( I
! |: d1 H8 p( X6 d$ f9 x3 LMichael: Anon, logistics has received more and more attention from different sectors of the society.
0 D( y# N  |7 _9 Y' F迈克:阿侬,物流正受到社会各界越来越多的重视。: j( D0 E1 s. L9 \

$ v2 o2 t/ G" k" TLow: It is a recognized fact in industrialized countries that logistics is now the last frontier for increasing benefits in industrial production, since there is not much to do to improve production to lower the cost.: R2 [$ a9 |8 g# T. h. I& M' D
罗:在工业化国家里,在依靠改进生产来降低成本的空间越来越小的情况下,物流是工业生产中增加利润的最后一关。这一点已有共识。5 H& e# i. \7 a' N4 i

1 F& B  Y3 |. {+ D5 ^, G. y  uMichael: What about those developing countries, such as China?  Are there ann logistical activities these?: J0 i0 e0 @0 M' ^, d+ T1 W! U
迈克:像中国这样的发展中国家怎样呢?有没有什么物流活动?$ f6 B7 i) d, L8 U. r
6 U9 C+ M: a6 t8 @3 t3 W9 S: \
Low: That’s good question. China is a developing country and it is developing really fast. The average annual GDP growth in the past few years was more than 8%.3 i) [/ q! T" j) M% v/ Z. l
罗:问得好,中国是一个发展中国家,但发展速度非常快,国民生产总值在过去几里平均年增长超过了8%。" O2 G  b- b- Z; f" @
, j6 @- E" d) h8 ^6 S, T2 M( z
Michael: That’s amazing! Does that mean they did a good job in logistics?3 }! w/ Z. ?8 Y: t% g
. M  I5 \4 `" z
; |+ K3 K5 P, T0 z* P7 b# k" h1 i4 vLow: No, not quite, though the Chinese mad a lot of attempts during the past decade. A lot of books on logistics, either in Chinese or English, were published in the past few years from 2002. There emerged quite a few logistics experts who delivered lectures.
- l2 h9 t& T" P- g7 q罗:不,不很好,虽然中国在过去的几十年里做了许多尝试。从2002年开始的过去几年里出版了许多中文和英文的物流书,还涌现了许多物流专家,他们做了不少演讲。
* Q" \) w9 \/ s  P* F" |
' J6 e# a0 E) h/ E, V$ bMichael: No wonder 2002 was jokingly termed as the starting year for logistics.6 ], m. J, x% U2 W# z, s. |2 F
4 L8 O1 B3 e8 }5 \, w) D
- y  l( d# ?3 e1 n" f! }+ J( ]' e2 k% qLow: I remember attending one conference on logistics: The audience were confident that they would be able to herald the new economic growth if they could make headway in logistics.( O' p& V2 A+ q2 _# s' q
4 s1 f' Q$ ]" r能促进经济的新增长。
/ C. f* j! s, L, }3 R/ q% z/ F; s  v6 |8 m! s
Michael: I know great changes have been made in physical distribution of goods in the past 20 years or so since the reform and opening up. But how can that be related to the economic growth?
- \( z) V9 b( n) A0 q0 {* V迈克:我知道在过去的20年或者自从改革开放以来发生在物流配送领域的巨大变化。但是这怎么和经济发展相关呢?- \, }7 [: f0 S
7 S1 w7 g1 _" n9 r# S  [) n
Low: This can be illustrated by numbers. In 2000, the total cost in logistics in China was CNY 178.8 bn which amounted to 20% of the GDP that year. This was a very high percentage. In industrialized countries, the figure is 10% or so.
* \+ p2 E6 G* w罗:这可以用数字来说明。在2000年,中国物流的总成本是1 788亿人民币,占当年GDP的20%。这个比例是非常高的。在工业化国家里,这个数字也就10%左右。1 Q  ?' P  E) S* T

9 C: V5 C) {3 K7 UMichael: I understand now. They could have added CNY 8.9 bn to the GDP if only they had lowered the logistics cost by 1%.5 L5 t1 d4 @7 N' _1 L! y9 Z$ a# \
( E! b' r, v! O
& L% x) j. n6 i5 [# T, E3 pLow: That’s it. It means there is great room for logistics development in china.7 d' O. D, l3 c: }% q
罗:就是这样。也就是说在中国物流还有很大的空间去发展。6 V/ }4 t- N: ~) D9 L, J" |
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