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[历年真题] 2010年4月18日英语国家概况简答题和名解对答案

发表于 2010-4-24 11:26:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Magna Carta is also known as?

2. Who has the power to declare war and make peace in the U.K.?

3. What are the three political divisions of the United Kindom?

4. When was the Declaration of Independence was adopted?

5. What is the policy of the US in the early 1930s?

6. What is the consequence of Anglo-Irish Treaty in 1921?

7. What is conglomarates in the US?

8. Where has "Canada" come from?

9. Why the Great Brain has the great influence on Australia?

10. What is Maritanga?

the House of Commons
English feudal system
the U.S. two-party system
the New Deal

1. Magna Carta is also known as?
Magna Carta is also known as Great Charter.

2. Who has the power to declare war and make peace in the U.K.?
In the U.K. the Queen has the power the declare war and make peace.

3. What are the three political divisions of the United Kindom?
The three political divisions are England, Scotland and Wales.

4. When was the Declaration of Independence was adopted?
The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1776 by Congress.

5. What is the policy of the US in the early 1930s?
我做的是pro-Ally partiality. 应该是isolationist.

6. What is the consequence of Anglo-Irish Treaty in 1921?
The establishment of Irish Free State. 没写完整

7. What is conglomarates in the US?
Conglomarates are big companies that own several small businesses whose products and services are usually very different.

8. Where has "Canada" come from?
The word "Canada" is believed to have come from "kanata", a word that was misheard to the native people. 不完整

9. Why the Great Brain has the great influence on Australia?
Because Australia was set as a colony of Britain in early ages.

10. The tridaitional Maori culture. 还没翻到书,不知道

the House of Commons
The House of Commons is one of the two parts of the Parliament in Britain. It is the legislative body. It has 651 members. Its members are elected.

English feudal system
English feudal system was completely established under William the Conqueror, back to the Normal Conquest in 1066. William confiscated almost all the land to his Norman followers. The relations with the Continent was opened and Norman language and culture were introduced. English feudal system was overthrew after the Civil War.

the U.S. two-party system
There have been four perios in the development of the political party in the United States. Nowadays, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are the dominant political parties in the United States. Each party is engaged to help its candidate win elections.

the New Deal
In 1932, in the depth of the depression, American people chose Franklin D.Roosevelt as their next President. His New Deal was to fight against the depression and to control the inflation. The New Deal had positive effects in dealing with the crisis.
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