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Hans Christian Andersen’s Own Fairy Tale (II)

发表于 2008-10-3 00:52:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Donald and Louise Peattie
1 In Copenhagen, Hans Christian lived in an attic(阁楼) in an old house, where he had a good view of the city. But there was one big fact that he could not see right under his own nose. The play and poetry that he wrote were not very good.

2 Hans Christian made friends with a few kind people. Among them was Jonas Collin of the Royal Theater. This kind man collected funds(资金) from friends to send the young writer to school. Hans felt most ease(安逸) with children. He ate his dinner in turn(依次) at the homes of six friends. In each home the children begged him for stories.
3 Hans told a tale so vividly that you could see and hear toy soldiers marching and toy horses galloping. And he could make the most wonderful papercuts. These are kept today in the Andersen Museum, which is in the house where he was born in Odense.
4 Andersen remained single all his life. The good Collin family-three generations of them-became all the family he was ever to have. They all loved him, but they advised him not to write any more poetry and plays, and to try to get a government job. They talked as he later made the animals talk in his stories: “I tell you this for your own good,” said the Hen to the Ugly Duckling, “you should learn to lay eggs like me.” In The Ugly Duckling Hans Christian told the story of his own life.
5 When his first book of fairy tales was published in 1835, Andersen didn’t think it would be successful, but children read the stories and wanted more. So, encouraged by their interest, he began what we know today as his great work. For 37 years, a new book of Andersen’fairy tales came out each Christmas. The books were full of everyday truth, of wonder, of sad beauty, of humor(幽默). Children and their parents had never read such tales before.

6 Andersen’s tales are poet’s way of telling us truth about ourselves. He looked deeplyinto the heart of things. Even in a child’s toy lost in the street, he could see some story with the light of gold in it. All of us laugh at the humor of The Emperor’s New Cloths, but we remember the story every time men pretend to be something that they are not.
7 Although he was now famous, he more kind-hearted than ever. One day on the street he met a man who had once treated him badly. The old and unhappy man said that he was sorry for what he had done. Andersen forgave the man and comforted him. The Prince who had told Andersen to learn a useful trade was now the king. He invited the writer to his palace and told him that he might ask for any favor. Andersen replied simply, “But I don’t need anything at all.”
8 He was already loved all over the world. The awkward(笨拙的) figure and kind Ugly face had become so famous that this friends, the children, recognized him wherever he was. His books were translated into many different languages and read all over the world. He was received at the royal courts of Europe and admired by many kings.
9 The greatest writers of the day, from Dickens to Victor Hugo, looked upon him as one of themselves. Among them, he at last learned happily that “it doesn’t matter if your are born in a duck-yard, as long as you come from a swan’s egg.”
10 Happiest of all was the day he returned to the “duck-yard,” nearly 50 years after he had left it. All Odense too part in the great celebration for the shoemaker’s son who was now the prince of fairy tales. A great dinner was held in his honor. That night, hundreds of people came to his window and called to him.
11 What was then in his full heart-that gentle heart that had been lonely for so long-was best expressed in his own words: “To God and man, my thanks, my love.”

Word List(单词表)
attic n.阁楼,顶楼
view  n.(从特定处看到的)景色  
fund  n.资金,现款
vividly  adv.生动地  
march  v. 行进,行军  
gallop v.(指马等或骑者)飞奔,奔驰
papercut  n.剪纸  
publish  v.出版(书籍、期刊等)  
humor,humor  n.(美/英)幽默   
deeply  adv.深刻地
heart  n.实质,感情  
emperor  n.皇帝  
kind-hearted  adj.好心的,仁慈的
unhappy  adj.不幸福的,不愉快的
happily  adv. 幸福地,愉快地  

comfort  v.安慰(某人)
awkward adj.(动作或形态)难看的;笨拙的  
figure n.形态,体形
court  n.宫廷
day  n.时代
duck-yard  n.鸭圈
swan  n.天鹅  
celebration  n.庆祝
prince  n.(某领域中的)优秀或杰出人物
full  adj.丰富的   
Proper Names(专有名词)

Jonas Collin乔纳斯·科林(人名)  
Victor Hugo维克托·雨果(人名)  
Useful   Expressions(常用短语)
have a good view of清楚看到
make friends with sb.与某人交朋友  
send sb.to school供某人上学   
be full of充满
laugh at嘲笑
feel/be at ease with sb.与某人相处感到轻松惬意
ask for sth.请求或要求某物
at last最后,终于
in turn轮流,依次  
    The president shook hands in turn with the people greeting him.
come out出版  
    When will this book come out ?  
    She is so fat that she can't move easily.  
look upon …as把……看做……
    I looked upon you as a close friend.
   John is looked upon as the best basketball player in his class.
be in sb.'s /sth.'s  honour;be in honour of sb./sth. 向……表示敬意;
                                                       为庆祝……;为纪 念
    A party will be held in honour  of the visiting president.


1. 在哥本哈根,汉斯·克里斯琴住在一所旧房子的阁楼里。从这里可以清楚地看到这个城市。但是就在他眼前的一个明显的事实他却没有看见,他写的戏剧和诗歌并不怎么好。
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